The Freelance Creative

Google’s Zavers Coupon, Netflix Adds Cartoons, Coca-Cola Fights Obesity

The Strategist picks the day’s most relevant and interesting stories about the world of content from around the web. Here’s what you should be reading today:

Google’s New Coupon Program

According to ClickZ, Google has launched a digital coupon service, Zavers.

The service “enables retailers and manufacturers to reward customers with coupons relevant to their purchases. The aim is to help retailers boost loyalty and increase shopping cart size and offer redemption rates.”

Included in Zavers is a real-time analytics feature that helps manufacturers with ad campaigns, distribution, and media budgeting.

Netflix Showing Cartoons from Warner and Turner

The Wall Street Journal reports that Netflix has signed deals with Time Warner to show its cartoons.

It will be allowed to play Cartoon Network shows like “Adventure Time,” “Aqua Teen Hunger Force,” and “Johnny Bravo,” along with Warner Bros.’ “Green Lantern.”

Last week, Netflix announced it would be showing Warner Bros. Television Group programs “Revolution” and “Political Animals.”

Coca-Cola’s Campaign to Fight Obesity

Coca-Cola has released a video that highlights its efforts to fight obesity in America and around the globe.

The new two-minute spot, called “Coming Together,” is live online and can be seen on MSNBC, Fox News, and CNN. In the video, the company details the actions it took to make its soft drinks healthier and improve the health of consumers.

The purpose of the video, said spokesperson Diana Garza Ciarlante, is to point out “some of the specifics behind the company’s ongoing commitment to deliver a greater choice of beverages, including low and no-calories options, and to clearly communicate the calorie content of all its products.”

Building Authority Online for Writers

Demian Farnworth of CopyBlogger writes about how writers can establish their authority online. He says writers need to stick to their guns and defend their work rather than producing work simply for the audience.

They also should give away high-quality content “without asking for anything in return, and you’ll find a much warmer reception when it does come time to promote a product.”

Reputations for greatness are solidified once writers figure out what defines them and keep working at it. As always, they need to be confident and say what they think with backbone.

A Media Plan for Content Marketing 

Content Marketing Institute’s Rob Yoegel writes about content marketing and how it can benefit from owned, earned, and paid media. 

Paid media displays content on websites, email newsletters, Google AdSense, social media and other venues. He says that on a content marketing team, someone needs to have media buying experience and that results should always be measured. As for owned media, a company’s social media accounts should be the distributors.

In terms of earned media, which can “help your business stand out from competitors and stay top-of-mind to prospects and customers alike,” it pays to integrate corporate communications into the content marketing program.

Surveys and Content Marketing 

Business2Community’s Paula Crerar reports on how businesses can use surveys to create content.

After the survey, her company used the answers in a press release/PR campaign. They made it into an infographic and a blog post as well. For the final content asset, the company made a supplemental video.

Because there were so many content types that were distributed on different channels, there was more press coverage and publicity as a result.

“Hawaii 5-0” Turns to Twitter for Plotline

According to Mashable, on Monday night, “Hawaii 5-0” made history by being the first TV show to ask its audience members, via Twitter, to vote for a plot development.

Since the show airs on both West Coast and East Coast times, the plots could turn out differently. The producers filmed three possible plot lines involving a murder and the suspects. It also laid out the clues for each of the suspects, a boss, an assistant, and a disgruntled student, to be the murderer in the mystery.

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