You Can Now Relive Your Saddest Tweets
By Aliza Gans August 14th, 2014For some people, social media has become an incredibly odd crutch that gives them a digital connection to the outside world in lieu of face-to-face contact. We all have that friend who overshares and uses too many emojis and spends so much time tweeting that it’s hard for that person to have an actual conversation.
For a few of us, this weird social dynamic may hit close to home. Part of being a successful freelancer requires mastering the art of self-promotion, so by nature, we’re supposed to tweet a lot. Content marketing firms have entire marketing departments that can observe how consumers engage with material. But with that liberal arts degree and heap of deadlines, freelancers don’t have the tools or the time to analyze their PR strategies.
And when you don’t have enough feedback about your interactions, it’s easy to get lost in the Twittersphere.
Luckily, there’s something that can help. Party NY, a Creative Lab based in New York and Tokyo, just launched Sad Tweets last week. The app will generate a slideshow of your most unpopular tweets and set them to a soundtrack so depressing it could have been featured on a SPCA End Animal Cruelty commercial.
RTs and favorites might not be the best way to measure how people are engaging with your social media presence (see Contently’s study “Why Content Marketers Are Using All the Wrong Metrics“), but examining which tweets have been starved for attention might be a step toward a heartier feed and a healthier social life.
Try the app yourself and maybe you’ll notice some valuable trends—like not adding 17 exclamation points just because you are 17 characters under your 140-limit.
So, grab a tub of Ben and Jerry’s, some tissues, and confront your lowest social media moments. It’s ok to feel broken at first, but come out of it stronger and more aware of what makes your tweets fly, not flop.
Image by Shutterstock